Today’s plans were more or less awash thanks to the relentless rains that battered campus. If things clear up tomorrow I’ll end up replacing my war torn posters with fresh models to keep campus looking classy. I also have three new designs that I’ll be rolling out shortly, including some 11×17″ color prints featuring an original design (a campaign first!).
There was a major election development today; Incumbents Jay Walker and Joe Young turned in their Candidacy Forms to bring the total field of 2012 Senator Candidates to five (the others are Lee Sharma and Phil Sarid). I am now the only first-time candidate in the field. This has changed my campaign timeline a bit.
Here’s a list of signs I’ve rolled out thus far:
SN#2010001 – Vote Victor – Retired from Union 3/16

SN#2010002bw – Coincidentally 2012 Senator as well – In Use (Union, CII, JEC, DCC)

SN#2010002co – Coincidentally 2012 Senator as well (color variant) – Limited Use (Polytech)

SN#2010003 – This Little Piggy – In Use (DCC Great Hall), retired from Union 3/22

SN#2010004 – Thank you for Reilly Hamilton – Limited Use (Union)

SN#2010005 – RPI PATRIOT. RIOT. – Limited Release (Concerto)

SN#2010006 – RHAM – In Use (CII, JEC, Notification Boards)

SN#2010007 – Clean & Green – Retired from Union 3/22

SN#2010008a – O REILLY? – Limited Release (Polytech) – pictured on the left
SN#2010008b – YA REILLY – Limited Release (Polytech) – pictured on the right

SN#2010008ab – O REILLY?/YA REILLY – Unreleased, may never be released pending decision of RNE chair

The following signs are unpictured. They’ll most likely be in tomorrow’s gallery update.
SN#2010008b* – YA REILLY* – Unreleased, waiting for the rain to abate
SN#2010008ab* – O REILLY?/YA REILLY* – Limited Release (Concerto)
SN#2010009 – [Redacted] – Unreleased, waiting for the rain to abate
SN#2010010 – [Redacted] – Unreleased, waiting for the rain to abate
There’s a bit of confusion on the SN#2010008 series due to the fact that the sign can be split apart or posted together (denoted by a, b, and ab SNs) and a last minute modification that was requested by the RNE chair (denoted by an asterisk). I haven’t printed any * series signs yet, however an ab* is up on Concerto. Should the RNE chair allow me to use the original, unaltered signs, the ab series will most likely be posted on the CII/DCC/JEC windows, whereas the a and b series will be posted outdoors on the columns. If I have to modify the b and ab series signs, they may morph in to bs* and abs*, creating even more unique serieal numbers…
Lastly, here’s RNE Chair Haris Khan’s computer after I removed SN#2010003 and SN#20100007 from the Union.