Archives: 'WoW'

I’m an “asshole”

Sunday, July 23rd, 2006

So, I recently found out that one of the WoW addons I had been using (Clearfont) was distributing the font Calibri. Calibri is one of the new 6 fonts releases by Microsoft, and as per U.S. copyright law, it is illegal to redistribute copyrighted fonts over the internet. I called the author out on this, and when he refused to take the addon down, I contacted the webmasters of the sites where he had his addon hosted. They pulled the mod and the font, and the author and some others left some rather scathing comments towards me:

Someone’s on a crusade against me, so when I get a little time, I’m going to upload a font-less version (likely tomorrow), until I can get another font sorted out. Can anyone suggest an alternative that’s very similar?

README! What’s happened to ClearFont?

You only need update the file ClearFont.lua for v11100-3 – it has a small update for 1.12.

Why? Well, someone felt the need to attempt to take me down because of the main font I’ve used.
To be perfectly honest, I very much doubt Microsoft care – however I won’t be supplying them any more, mostly because I don’t want to cause the UI site owners trouble.
In fact, all that this guy has currently managed is to piss off me, the 3 site owners and I rather suspect, you as well. (Congratulations)

So, all I’ve done is stick the ‘number font’ as the main font for now – of course, if you don’t copy over the fonts from this version, you can keep the proper ones! 🙂

If you don’t have a copy of the original font in the first place – try searching for ‘Calibri’ on the internet (or try and find a previous version of CF).
The font comes with the Office 2007 beta and the Windows Vista betas for example.

Who is the asshole that is harassing you?

Turnabout is fair play.

yea its BULL that someone did that lol the font is EVERYWHERE on the net and im sure MS dont and wouldnt give a rats ass if some people in wow are useing the font

MS didn’t come after me, someone else decided to try and take it into their own hands (nothing came of it, and I doubt MS care, but it was an annoyance for the UI site owners, so I decided this would be the best course of action). *sigh*

Oh the terror I’ve caused >=D

Anub Down!

Friday, July 21st, 2006

A little over 24 hours after transferring to Uther, I had killed the first two bosses in Naxx! This time, it was the first boss in the Spider Wing, Anub’Rekhan the Crpyt Lord. The model is a blown up version of the Crypt Lords from Warcraft III. But, the model in game has a texturing issue (similar to Thunderfury), so he’s all black except for his wings.

Here’s a picture of me with my new guild, Irony, and a dead Anub’Rekhan!

Anub Kill!

My new Mage

Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

I bought a 60 mage off ebay to play on Alliance with some friends. I named him Oakenfold, and recieved this quick question in my first instance run on the mage:

Dumb question

He has really crappy gear, but I’m working to gear him up in Tier 0 and Tier 0.5.

Server Transfer!

Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

I transfered Nalk off Malorne today. He has gone to Uther, a PvE realm where several of my friends play. I’m currently applying to <Irony>, and I attended my first raid with them Tuesday night. We were lucky enough to kill Instructor Razuvious, who is the first boss in the Death Knight wing of Naxxramas. It was the first kill for the guild.

Here’s a picture, but it has a pretty bad angle and name tags on:

Woot for insta queues!

Amazing Shaman PvP Video

Friday, June 30th, 2006

And as an added bonus, it’s a shaman on my server!

I present Nii, of , in this great 30/0/21 (and briefly 31/0/20) PvP video in both Google Video and FileFront formats:

Streaming, Fast Download:
MUCH better quality, recommended:;5197868;;/fileinfo.html

Signature for a friend

Saturday, June 10th, 2006

I made this picture for a friend. He uses it in various forum signatures:

Pie is more than Cake

Spider Spider Spider FANKRISS

Monday, June 5th, 2006

The most recent horror from Cuttlefish comes in the form of a flash movie! Based on the popular Badger Badger Badger flash movie comes a brand new feature! Check out Spider Spider Spider!

The movie depicts monsters from the Fankriss fight in World of Warcraft. I got the idea while Nalk was lying dead and someone in Ventrilo yelled out “Ack it’s a snake!”
