Archives: 'School'

Spanish Love Don’t Let Me Go vs. Love is Gone

Thursday, December 6th, 2007

I edited and sung this spanish version of my two favorite David Guetta songs for a spanish project. It turned out… interesting?

Lyrics as follows:

Bailando y llorando
Bailando y llorando
Bailando y llorando Ay!
Me tienes bailando y llorando
Bailando y llorando
Bailando y llorando Ay!
Me tienes bailando y llorando, rodando y muriendo
Amor no va sin me.
Me tienes ahogando en un rio,
Quemando pero frio
Amor no va sin me.
No va sin me.
No va sin me
Amor no va sin me
No va sin me
No va sin me
Amor no va sin me
No va sin me
No va sin me
Amor no va sin me
No va sin me
Amor anda lejos
Amor anda lejos
Amor anda lejos
Amor anda lejos
Me tienes bailando y llorando, rodando y muriendo.
Amor no va sin me.
Me tienes ahogando en un rio,
Quemando pero frio
Amor no va sin me.
No va sin me.
No va sin me
Ahogando en un rio
Y quemando pero frio, eyah!
No va sin me
Amor no va sin me
No van sin me
Que deberemos hacer
Después de que ha sucedido
Todo que sentía el derecho fue equivocó
Ahora el amor ha ido.
No hay nada demostrar
No puedes negar esta simple verdad
No busco una razón para celebrar
Ahora el amor ha ido
Que deberemos hacer
Ahora el amor ha ido
Amor ha ido
Es uno tiempo duro
Amor ha ido
Es uno tiempo duro
Buscando un razón
Buscando un razón
Buscando un razón
Buscando un razón para celebrar

Aaaand Download Here (10.5 mb)


Oh, and I realized afterward I butchered a lot of pronunciation. Mainly “sin”. OH WELL…

In The Spirit of Econ

Monday, June 4th, 2007

I had completely forgotten about this video. It’s awesome.

Hilhi Soccer DVD

Wednesday, April 18th, 2007

So, I finally got around to making a DVD out of the Hilhi state championship soccer game. If you’re interested, I’ll provide you with a copy for free!

The game can be seen on Google Video here:

Model United Nations!

Wednesday, April 18th, 2007

MUN Logo

Last weekend, I attended the Model United Nations conference in Eugene! MUN has always been so much fun. This year, I was the ambassador from Chile in General Assembly A. The General Assembly is the core part of MUN. While the GA passes some of their own resolutions, their main goal is to approve or deny the resolutions coming from all the other committees. As Chile, I didn’t have any real political power, but I made a point to speak whenever relevant.

I brought plastic sign holder and a cool Chile sign. Everyone else just had their lame paper placards, while I had a cool looking plexiglass sign that said “Republica de Chile” and the motto, “Por la Razon o la Fuerza.” I also had a plexiglass suggestion box that I relabeled “Messages for Chile” that the pages used to deliver messages to me. One of the most random things I brought was a confidential stamp. I made sure to stamp every single note I sent.

Chile Sign
Here’s the message box after I converted it into a donation box. It was soon hijacked by China =(

This is the nametag I made for my delegation. I entered it in the Name Tag contest, but we didn’t win anything =(

Chile Name Tag

Next year, I intend to be a committee chair. Preferably of 2nd committee or Disarmament. I can’t wait!

Powder Tuff Volleyball

Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

I decided to take part in a school activity, for once!


The event was Poweder Tuff Volleyball, a spinoff of Powder Puff Football, but for guys. I was on the team of IB students, and for some reason our team was called “Spanky.” I don’t understand, so don’t ask.

We only played one game, which we lost, but it counts as a victory in my book. First of all, we only had 4 people on our team. The other team had 9 people (6 of which play at a time). Secondly, the team was composed of the Varsity Basketball team. So they were all coordinated, tall, athletes. And last, we only lost 17-25. It could have, and should have, been much worse.

Three cheers for Spanky!

Proxies for School

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

I’ve set up a pair of proxies on this webserver that you can use to evade the Websense filters.

Supports Javascript, but not SSL (working on that =p). Fine for Myspace. This one is also much prettier =).

Supports SSL, but not Javascript. Good for basic Gmail.

School Website

Monday, March 12th, 2007

I’m starting a new project: to upload all of my school work online.

I already type just about every assignment, so why not upload it all?

You can view my progress here:

Yes, its very rudimentary. I might skin and CSS it later, but for now, it’ll be more like a directory structure of school.

Hillsboro High School: State Champs!

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

That’s right, Hilhi won the 5A boys soccer state championship!

Check out the whole game (that I video taped):

Full Res here:;6220246;;/fileinfo.html

Me in the Oregonian

Thursday, October 26th, 2006

Grants nurture young inventors’ ideas
Technology – Four Oregon high schools, including Hillsboro and Westview, are at work
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
The Oregonian

A national grant program will give young inventors at high schools in Beaverton, Hillsboro, Newberg and Gresham the chance to create devices such as graphing calculators for the visually impaired and car speed detectors.

The four schools, along with 16 others in the nation, are recipients of a Lemelson-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Program grants that pay each school as much as $10,000 for invention projects. Students will present their work this spring at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass. No competition is involved.

Josh Schuler, InvenTeams’ grants officer, said there were more schools selected from Oregon than any other state because The Lemelson Foundation, aimed at supporting entrepreneurs and inventors, is based in Portland and wanted to encourage educational opportunities for local students.

“We’re not a recruiting tool for MIT,” Schuler said. “We’re a recruiting tool for inventors.”

The InvenTeams program calls for students to identify a problem to solve, research it and develop a prototype. Three other Oregon schools have received the grant since InvenTeams started in 2002.

Students at Westview and Hillsboro high schools say they are excited to test their engineering skills.

Reilly Hamilton, a Hillsboro High junior, will lead a team in developing a car attachment to warn drivers of the distance and speed of the vehicle in front of it, an effort to reduce accidents.

“I think it shows there are a number of students today that are enthusiastic about their education and they are dedicated to improving society,” said Hamilton, 16.

Programs such as InvenTeams help groom the next generation of inventors, said Don Domes, a Hillsboro High technology instructor overseeing the project.

“We’re just not graduating enough kids” who go on to work in scientific and mathematical careers, Domes said.

At Westview High in Beaverton, about 10 students are researching an attachment to a graphing calculator that allows the visually impaired to feel graphs.

Eric Walters, a Westview physics teacher, says the lessons learned go well beyond what textbooks provide. Students are working with Texas Instruments Inc.

“It’ll teach them life skills as far as communication and working in groups, how you deal with stress, meeting deadlines,” Walters said.

Gresham High students will create a drip-irrigation system to water household plants. Newberg High students want to develop a portable, lightweight Stirling generator to provide electricity in remote villages.

“This is meant to be collaborative; it’s not meant to be competitive,” Domes said. “It’s going to hopefully launch a deeper sense of socially responsible innovation and invention.”

Students write better than Bloggers?

Monday, October 2nd, 2006

A study based on 25 minutes essays (SAT style) found that High School students scored a good deal higher than a random sampling of bloggers who took part in the study. The average high school score was 3.6, while the average blogger score was 2.9. Victory for the students!

Full article here.