Archives: October, 2009

Carothers Meets Carothers

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

Previously on CuttlefishTech, I printed out a giant poster of Dr. Carothers and hung it in my dorm room.

Today on CuttlefishTech, the poster of Dr. Carothers took a trip to DCC 318.

The poster was taped to the wall at approximately 11:50. There were several students in the class at the time who chuckled as I taped it up. Dr. Carothers arrived at around 12:02 and began teaching.

He handed back papers for quite a while.

I tried to get him to turn around by approaching from behind him to collect my paper, but I had no luck.

Class continued for about an hour before Carothers called for a 5 minute break. As he turned around to leave the classroom for a bit, he spotted it. He did a quick double take before looking back at the class smiling. The entire class burst into applause and cheers. He asked if it had been there the whole time, which it had, and he stated he quite liked it. He then asked if he could have it. “No!” I shouted, “That thing cost me $12!”. He remarked about how that was a lot of money to spend on him, and asked what I was going to do with it. “It’s going in my room!” I said, which caught him a bit off guard. He said something about what other types of things were in my room before looking at the poster again, smiling at the class, and then walking out of the classroom. When class resumed, he continued to stare at it from time to time.

I retrieved the poster at the end of class without incident or comment.

Silversun Pickups Rd. 2

Monday, October 19th, 2009

Setlist (10/18/2009 at Northern Lights in Clifton Park, NY):

    1. Growing Old Is Getting Old
    2. Well Thought Out Twinkles
    3. Sort Of
    4. There’s No Secrets This Year
    5. The Royal We
    6. Little Lover’s So Polite
    7. It’s Nice to Know You Work Alone
    8. Future Foe Scenarios
    9. Kissing Families + (There’s No Way of Knowing…Which Direction We’re Going)
    10. Catch and Release
    11. Booksmart Devil (first 1:00 or so)
    12. Panic Switch
    13. Lazy Eye
    14. Substitution
    15. Creation Lake
    16. Common Reactor

The last time I saw the Pickups (8/22/2009 at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Hillsboro, OR), the setlist was nearly identical. They did not play Substitution (or Booksmart Devil), so there were only two songs during the Encore. The Hillsboro show was a benefit concert (Pet Aid 2009) in support of local animal hospitals, and was played on an outdoor stage at the Fairgrounds. Cage the Elephant opened for SSPU at both shows, but the Hillsboro show also featured Manchester Orchestra instead of An Horse.

First of all, An Horse. I didn’t really pay much attention to them, but what I heard seemed formulaic and repetitive. I can imagine the studio recordings would be a bit more polished and perhaps more layered with cutesy sound effects, but their live performance left some to be desired. I preferred Manchester Orchestra as the supporting act.

Cage the Elephant was a bit more eccentric than last time, which is saying quite a lot considering they were already completely crazy the last time I saw them.

Dorm Decorations

Monday, October 12th, 2009

On Friday, somehow Peter, Fernie, Kevin, Jinzhen, and I decided to plot a 5′ by 2.5′ poster of Dr. Carothers, our CompOrg professor. The printing stemmed from the fact that Dr. Carothers has a 4k by 3k resolution .jpg image of himself on his teacher website. The size is supposedly the largest the plotter in the VCC will print.

Jinzhen presents the results:

Another view of the finished product, including various other things in my dorm/apartment’s common area:

(Note that the image on the projector is the picture of Jinzhen with the poster on Facebook)

We’re unsure as to who our next plotting victim may be, but there has been the suggestion of Dr. Cutler.

The StupiSuite grows

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

While it’s been some time since I worked on stupichat, I felt compelled to add a new program to my growing set of stupiprograms. The addition is stupishell, a programming assignment from my OpSys class.

Below is an example screenshot from a stupishell session:

Do note that the prompt (penis) grows in size until the shell exits, at which point it ejaculates.

Like any good programmer, I ensure to comment my code properly:

Signage Win in the Polytech Elevator

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

Upon returning from Blitman tonight, I rode the elevator up with our group and noticed this wonderfully descriptive sign.

Yeah, sure, I had noticed the elevator smelled like Urine for a couple weeks now, but it didn’t really click that it could actually be urine.

There was something about the sign that I found intriguing. Perhaps it was the dubious grammar and basic formatting. It screamed parody. And parody it did receive. The first installment was as follows:

It reads, “Attention: For every time someone posts signs in this elevator, it will be urinated in for the following 48 hours. -Thank you”. Note that the size, formatting, and line returns mimic the original piece. The sign didn’t last very long though, I called the elevator back about 5 minutes later to show someone, and it was already gone… I posted another, which vanished quickly too. A 3rd sign was later found crumpled on the floor when I returned to post my magnum opus.

The third sign, suggested by Jeff and completing the trifecta, reads “Attention: For every time someone shuts down this elevator, it will be posted in for the following 48 hours. -Thank you”.

While the grammar may be the most dubious yet, it was necessary to ensure the text fit on the appropriate lines.

Arrows were added to ensure that the viewer understands the infinite loop created by the signs. I’m sure my masterpiece is long gone by now. But it is immortalized in .jpg form here.