Lottery Results (Live Updates)
Meta Stats
Currently Serving: All Numbers
Last Update Time: 6:14 PM
Poly Stats
Polytechs Still Available: 6 suites
Polytechs Taken (today only): 22
Rate of Polytechs/lottery number: 1 per 29.5
Estimated Exhaustion: 827
Other Stats:
Stackwycks Available: 3 suites
RAHPs Available: 0
New: 20 female doubles
Colonie D: 13 singles
Colonie C: 30 singles
Colonie B: 15 singles
Colonie A: 8 singles
Nugent: 0
Davison: 0
Warren: 1 double
Sharp: 0
E-Complex: 2 of various sizes
North: 10 of various sizes
BARH: 12 of various sizes
Quad: 21, mostly singles
Our Stats:
Successful numbers: #122 chose Poly 304, #225 chose Poly 310, #231 chose Poly 316
Also, Lara is living in Poly 111, and the Crock 3 girls are living in Poly 319.
Floor Plan of Polytech: